Creators of content know the feeling of finishing writing an article (written for the purposes of Park City SEO for example) only to discover that the word count is slightly below target. The search engine optimization gods require that an article be a certain length in terms of word count relative to the frequency of key words in the content and content creators know it is fruitless hubris to defy this deus ex machina. The solution of course is to pad out the word count but artistic integrity demands that this be done in a way that is as seamless (and spamless) as possible. The following are ten tips to help you with this issue:


  1.  Transform your contractions into multiple words. Instead of writing I’mYou’re or They’re write I amYou are and They are.
  2.  If your content contains acronyms, place a period and a space at the end of each letter. For example, the ASVAB test can become the A. S. V. A. B. test. This will change a word count of three to a word count of seven.
  3.  Add adjectives, adverbs and descriptive phrases to your content. For example, instead of writing “The readers have spoken” write “The many, loyal readers have spoken over and over again.”
  4.  Restate what you have just stated in a slightly different manner. For example, instead of merely writing “Many people enjoy reading” write “Many people enjoy reading. People enjoy reading because of its many benefits”.
  5.  Pad out possessives. For example, instead of writing “Bob’s gun” write “the gun that belongs to Bob”.
  6.  Quote content from other sources. Block quotes from other sources is a great way to expand word count. Always make sure to provide a reference and link (if applicable) to the source quoted from. Not only is this honest but the attribution itself will increase the word count.
  7.  Add headings between paragraphs. This is an useful technique and as the heading before this list demonstrates it can be an easy way to add ten or more words to the count.
  8.  Add an introductory paragraph. This paragraph will basically provide a preview of the content to come. As such this content does not require any additional research or much additional thought to create.
  9.  Add a concluding paragraph. Like the introductory paragraph the concluding paragraph basically restates the content already created. As such it too does not require all that much additional research or brain power.
  10.  Never use one word where multiple words will suffice. This advice is diametrically opposed to Ernest Hemmingway’s philosophy on writing but obviously he never had to contend with the requirements of Park City SEO to create his content.

Obviously this list is non exhaustive but it is enough for the novice content creator to get started. This concluding paragraph should serve to illustrate the point that a concluding paragraph is a great technique to pad out the word count until it exceeds five hundred words which is the goal for this blog post.