I get paid by an SEO Park City business to write blog posts. I have found this to be one of the best ways to motivate myself to exercise my ability to create content on a regular basis. I stumbled upon this situation by looking for freelance writing gigs on the website Freelancer.com. I cannot say my experience using this site was fantastic but I did find work and I did get paid. Based on my experience I would suggest only working with people who have a rating because it is possible to get scammed.

The first job I took on was to write a 10,000 word e-book on the subject of memory for $500. The employer said he needed the manuscript in three days. I stayed up late for two nights in a row to write this piece of crap for him. At 5:00 am on Sunday morning he texted me asking if I was done. I sent him the word doc and that was the last I heard from him.

The next employer was a gentleman from Bangladesh who hired me to write fifteen 500 word articles for $15. That is not $15 each. That is $15 for all fifteen articles. The catch was that he offered to give me a five star rating if I did it for him. So I did it. He wanted posts for a blog about health and fitness. The website is no longer active (I just checked). I did write the articles and he did give me the five star rating. With this credential I was then able to attract the attention of other more legitimate employers. So the lesson learned is to do a job for cheap on Freelancer in order to get a better job down the line.

Luckily, the next job I landed was to write content for an SEO Park City business. The job was to write three hundred word blog posts at $7.50 a pop on various topics. As I wrote the articles I posted them to the various blogs he wanted me to. I noticed that none of these blogs received any views. I had no idea why he wanted me to write these articles and was willing to pay me to do it. I asked him via email why he was asking me to do what I was doing but his response indicated that he did not understand the question.

I eventually learned that the entire purpose for these articles was to provide back links to other websites. All this was new to me but I learned that one of the factors search engines consider when determining the order in which it displays websites in a list generated from a web search is the number of links pointing to a website from other websites. The logic behind this (I suppose) is that if other sites are linking to a specific site then that specific site must be relevant. Of course this logic assumes that the links are legitimately embedded into content and not just put there for the sake of search engine optimization. Accordingly, no real people need to actually read these articles in order for them to achieve their SEO Park City effect.

Regardless of the ethics involved writing these articles for the consumption of web bots has provided me with a new stream of income. But more than this (because the money is not all that much) it has provided me with the motivation to write content on a daily basis. This daily exercise of my content creation power has steadily strengthened this muscle. At this point it is pretty easy for me to type out content on any subject.