It is generally agreed that the term “content SPAM” refers to any content whose only purpose is either to provide a context for advertising and or links. Most people would agree that the internet would be a much nicer place without content SPAM. As it turns out this type of content is often used for the purposes of Salt Lake City SEO companies. Unfortunately, the aforementioned definition is too general to be useful, in that there is a great deal of gray area in which different opinions can exist as to whether a piece of content is or is not SPAM. In the abstract, we can all agree that content which has absolutely zero value other than its embedded advertisements and or links is SPAM by definition. Fine. But it is difficult to conceive of actual content that contains zero value.

Obviously “value” in this context is very much in the very subjective eye of the beholder. Arguably, Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity is of zero value to someone who has no interest in it or cannot understand it. But even so, no reasonable person would argue that the document is devoid of objective value. By contrast (or perhaps similarly) a link farm blog post whose primary purpose is to provide the context for a link (for the purposes of Salt Lake City SEO ) but is nonetheless written in an artful manner or contains some useful information should also not be seen as containing zero value and is therefore not SPAM per the definition stated in the first paragraph.

Certainly, it would be considered a Draconian measure to forbid SPAM of any kind, even if such a measure could be implemented. This is true because what is and is not SPAM is almost always a subjective determination. This is by no means to say that SPAM should be encouraged. We can all agree that there is too much SPAM on the internet even if we cannot exactly put our collective finger upon it. Accordingly, to the extent SPAM can be discouraged it should. However, because determining just what is and is not SPAM in an objective sense is not as easy as it might seem it seems better to err on the side of leniency. Thus and therefore we find ourselves in a world where we must learn to tolerate SPAM to a certain extent.