I am a simple content creator who is just following the SEO Salt Lake City orders of my superior. We all know that the legal defense of “just following orders” was insufficient to exonerate the defendants in the Nuremberg trials after World War II. There is the sense that the ignorance of a crime is not a defense. Nor is there a defense in the fact that another person with the power to inflict punishment ordered the defendant to commit the act in question. Underlying both of these policies is the presumption that all people carry with them some degree of responsibility for their actions and any resultant crimes.
So then, what crime do I stand accused of? First of all, there is no real crime per se. Search engine optimization is a necessary technique which is employed by most businesses with a web presence to one degree or another. So, if I am guilty of a crime then a whole lot of other people are guilty as well. Not that sharing guilt with other people necessarily makes me innocent. But there is the sense that if enough people do it then it is in a sense de facto not a crime (at least not a crime that the authorities are capable or willing to punish).
The crime itself is pretty straight forward. The practice of SEO Salt Lake City is deceptive. That is, when one creates content for the purposes of search engine optimization he or she is attempting to trick a search engine web bot into thinking that the primary purpose of the content is the information or entertainment value that the words within the content contains. Sometimes the goal is to trick actual readers of this purpose.
But is this really a crime? In the strictest legal sense it is not a crime because it does not (as far as I know) violate a statute or other article of established legal precedent. Probably a better question to ask is whether this is some sort of moral infraction. Here we are wading into murky waters. Certainly the search engine web bots are not offended on a moral level if they are tricked into thinking optimized content is more relevant than it actually is. But behind every search engine web bot is the team of coders who created it as well as the corporation that created the work order to write the code to create the web bot. It would seem that these entities are a little more capable of being morally offended.
But are they morally offended and if so should I care? In the final analysis I do not know whether the act of optimizing content is frowned upon by the forces behind the search engine web bots. I suspect they are aware of the extent to which it goes on. As such, I suspect they account for this some how in the algorithm of the web bot. That alone should be enough to wipe away any stain of guilt. And when one considers that there exists a marketing arms race on the web and everyone on both sides must use every tool at their disposal to survive, the only conclusion one can inevitably arrive at is if SEO Salt Lake City is a crime or a moral offense it is a minor one and one that is accepted by the system at large. Accordingly, there is no need to feel guilt about it.
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