Get a little help from your friends at Barking Frog SEO
Are your competitors dominating you on the web?

Do you know how you measure up to your competition locally?
When you search for your business category, on what page does your website fall?

If it’s not on the first page, your website may as well be on the last page!

Take the SEO Challenge!

3 Easy Steps To Spy On Your Competition

Find out how your business website compares to other businesses locally.
Finding out where you rank in comparison to your competitors is FREE and easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1 .Fill in your website address

Step 2. Fill in a keyword phrase (example: dentist salt lake city)

Step 3. Fill in your name and email address so we know where to send the report and then submit!

Cartoon Frog with Magnifying Glass
What you will receive:
  • A complimentary detailed report on how you can manage your business website issues

  • Learn how to start outranking your competitors by working on your website

  • Tips and tricks to increase your search engine ranking on your own!

Website Performance Report

Cartoon Frog with Magnifying Glass